When there is a buildup of dissolved minerals on the inner lining of the kidneys, there is the formation of kidney stones. There is a large amount of calcium oxalate in kidney stones and other compounds are also present in them. The size of a kidney stone can often be that of a golf ball and it has a sharp, crystalline structure. When the stones remain small, they can pass out of your body through the urinary tract. If the stones remain in your body, you may have to undergo surgery to get them removed. The cost of surgery for kidney stone removal is very reasonable in India. The best medical tourism companies help the patients who come here for the surgical procedure.


When the kidney stone passes into your ureter or moves around within your kidney, there may be the following symptoms:

  • Pain that radiates to the lower abdomen and groin
  • Pain while urinating
  • Severe pain in the side and back
  • Pink, red or brown urine with a foul smell
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Frequent urination
  • Fever and chills
  • Small amounts of urine every time you urinate

It is advisable to seek medical consultation if you feel these symptoms.


The doctor will suggest some diagnostic tests if he/she suspects that you have kidney stones.

  • Blood tests: The doctor can know the health of your kidneys from the blood test results.

  • Urine test: If you are excreting more stone-forming minerals or less stone-preventing substances, it is possible for the doctor to detect them through the results of the urine test.

  • Imaging tests: The doctors can view the kidney stones in your urinary tract with the help of imaging test results. These tests include abdominal X-rays and computerized tomography (CT).

  • Analysis of passed stones: The doctor will collect the stones that pass out of your body through your urine with the help of a strainer. The doctor can determine the factors that are causing the kidney stones and this will help in preventing stones from developing in the future.


The doctor decides the treatment option based on the type of stone and its cause. You can make the kidney stones out of your body by drinking enough water. The doctor will prescribe you some pain relievers and medications to help the smooth passing of the stones. When the stones are large, the doctor uses different procedures to break the kidney stones into small pieces, which can easily pass out of your body. The best medical tourism companies in India help the patients who come here from the developed countries for treatment.

  • Using sound waves: Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL) uses strong vibrations to break the kidney stones into small pieces. They can pass out of your body through the urine.

  • Surgery: Percutaneous nephrolithotomy is a process in which the surgeon removes the kidney stones using small telescopes and instruments. These are inserted through a small incision in the back.

  • Using scope: The doctor may often pass a ureteroscope (a thin lighted tube), which has a camera attached to it, through your urethra and bladder to your ureter to find the stone. Then it will be broken into small pieces. While you urinate, these will pass out of your body.